5 in 1 Valentines Card

1. Take two sheets of Bristol paper, fold a narrow strip at the short end of one sheet to create a tab. Use white glue to attach the tab to the back of one of the short edges of the second sheet, folding it over to create the base of the card.

2. Fold the third sheet of Bristol paper in half and use this fold line as a guide to cut the sheet in half. Fold these two halves in half again and cut along the fold lines, resulting in four rectangles.

3. Apply glue to the short edge of one of the cut rectangles and attach it to the upper left hand corner of the top sheet of the card to create a small “door”. Repeat this step, gluing all four sheets down on the front of the card to create four “doors” on the front of the card.

4. Use the color “pepper” to paint a long, thin, chili pepper shape on the top left door.

5. Use “algae” to give the pepper a green, leafy top and stem.

6. Mix “cotton” and “lemon zest” to create a light yellow. Use this color to paint a round lightbulb shape on the top right door.

7. Use “lilac” to add the lightbulb’s cap and use “lemon zest” to add short rays of light around the bulb.

8. Use “sky” to draw two lines inside the lightbulb and a curly line of filament.

9. Use “sky” to pain the silhouette of a coffee mug on the bottom lefthand door.

10. Mix “sky” and “cotton” and use it them to create a puff of steam above the mug.

11. Use “goldfish” to paint a circle in the center of the bottom righthand door and surround it with rays of sunshine using “lemon zest.”

12. Once the blue mug is dry, use “grizzly bear” to paint a long oval at the top of the mug.

13. Use “hot flower” to paint a pattern on the hinge of two of the doors.

14. Mix “lilac” and “cotton” and use them to paint a pattern on the hinge of the last two doors.

15. Use a black marker to draw little faces on the pepper, lightbulb, coffee mug, and sun.

16. Use “hot flower” to paint a large heart on the inside of the card and allow it to dry.

17. Take the black marker and write the following behind each door:
“you spice up my life…” (pepper)
“you light up the room…” (lightbulb)
“we’re the perfect blend, you’re my best friend…” (coffee)
“you are my sunshine…” (sun)

18. Use the marker to draw a face on the heart inside the card.

19. Finally, use the marker to write “oh, won’t you be my valentine” next to the heart.
20. Show your card off and give it to someone you care about!
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