All Children Have Rights. All Families Belong Together.
All children have the right to an environment that fosters creativity, and in turn, healthy development and growth. This right, and countless others, has been violated by the United States’ practice of separating immigrant families and detaining children.
Kid Made Modern has partnered with multiple groups to donate supplies and kits to detained immigrant children throughout the country. These kits and supplies will provide children opportunities to respond, reflect, escape from, and process their world, an experience particularly urgent for children affected by trauma. We all have something to offer in building a culture that upholds the rights of all people and stands up against it when it fails to. As policy continues to shift and change, we must remain steadfast in our commitment to aiding those impacted by this crisis. ALL children have rights. ALL families belong together.
Below is a list of organizations receiving donations. Please check back, as the list will be continually updated as donations are processed and sent.

The Children’s Village
Dobbs Ferry, New York
The Children’s Village Homepage
CV Division of Immigration Services
The Children’s Village is a private, non-profit residential treatment facility and school for at-risk youth in New York City. Through their Division of Immigration Services, the United for A Dream program provides short-term shelter for children who have come to the U.S. without a guardian. The housing provides these children a safe place to live that is nurturing and culturally-responsive. When youth cannot be reunited with family members, options such as long term foster care or safe return to their home country are considered. The Children’s Village has accepted donations for welcome kits, school supplies, and tote bags for migrant children and other unaccompanied minors in their care.
Kid Made Modern has donated 48 Journal Craft Kits and 48 Embroidered Notebook Craft Kits.

Diocesan Migrant & Refugee Services, Inc.
El Paso, Texas
DMRC Unaccompanied Minors Program
Diocesan Migrant & Refugee Services, Inc. is the largest provider of free and low cost immigration legal services in West Texas and New Mexico. Among their comprehensive range of services, they provide full representation to immigrant children without a parent or legal guardian who are in federal custody in shelters or detention centers. They provide Know Your Rights Presentations, individual meetings with all unaccompanied children, pro bono assistance and referrals, and other coordinated services. DMRC has accepted donations for the children they work with and represent.
Kid Made Modern has donated 48 On-The-Go Coloring Kits, 48 On-The-Go Drawing Kits, and 48 Octahedron Crayon sets.

Mayor’s Fund to Advance NYC
New York, New York
Mayor’s Fund Separated Families Support
The Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization that facilitates high-impact public-private partnerships throughout New York City’s five boroughs. The Mayor’s Fund is collecting donations to support efforts to help unaccompanied immigrant children and families, including those who were separated and those who are in federal custody in New York City. Donations will be used to support organizations that are working to provide legal and social services, medical care, assistance with release from detention, and supplies including toys, food, and water. In partnership with the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs, the Mayor’s Fund is working directly with these organizations.
Kid Made Modern has 48 On-the-go Drawing Kits, 48 Octahedron Crayons, and 12 Washable Double Pointed Markers (Set of 30), and other assorted kits and supplies including colored pencils, watercolor kits, paint brushes, and crayons.