DIY Acrostic Valentine
Have you ever written an acrostic poem or word puzzle before? It's a composition where letters in each line form a word or words. And it happens to be the perfect way to make a custom valentine for friends by allowing you to quickly convey what you find special about them. Check out our tutorial below and spell out something special yourself!

KMM Design Your Own Valentines

Write acrostic composition -- spell your valentine's name vertically down the card. Using the first initial of each line, write a corresponding word that describes special characteristics of your friend. They can be silly or heartwarming -- whatever you like!

Decorate valentine -- pick as many accessories from the kit as you'd like and decorate the front and back of the valentine.

Decorate mailbox -- use the kit's supplies to decorate your own mailbox. Use it to transport your acrostic valentines and then to collect valentines from others.