DIY Beaded Sunglasses Lanyard
It's a well-known fact that kids will lose accessories unless the accessories are attached to their body. Our DIY lanyards will help kids keep track of their sunglasses or prescription glasses in style. Just grab our Jewelry Jam Craft Kit and follow the simple steps below!

- scissors
- small rubber bands (craft weaving loom bands are the perfect size if you've got them!)
1. Make the lanyard -- cut a length of thread slightly longer than you'd like your lanyard to end up. Tie a few knots onto one end of the piece of thread. Thread the needle from the kit and add as many beads in whatever pattern you like.

2. Attach lanyard to jump rings -- tie each end of the beaded strand onto a jump ring from the kit. Make a few knots each time.

3. Attach lanyard and jump rings to sunglasses -- slip a rubber band through the small opening of the jump ring and squeeze ring closed again. Repeat for other end of the lanyard. Loop the rubber band onto the sunglasses several times until it is on tight—aim for the point at which the temple and earpiece meet, but always adjust for comfort and fit of the glasses.

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Purchase our Jewelry Jam Craft Kit here to make you own jammin lanyard!
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