DIY Daisy Chain Bracelet
Everything's coming up daisies with this DIY. Bead up a bright daisy chain bracelet in just a few minutes with supplies from our new craft line available exclusively at Target. Make one for yourself and all your friends!

- Scissors
1. Size Bracelet - cut a piece of cording large enough to circle your wrist 2-3 times and leave a bit of extra length to tie at the end.

2. Start Chain -- pick the color of pony beads you'd like to use as the stem color. Take one stem color bead and thread cording through it, looped around it, and back through. This will secure the end of the bracelet and keep the daisy chain on. Add two additional pony beads in the same stem color.

3. Bead Flowers -- pick 6 beads of the same color for your first flower. Pick one bead for the flower's center. Begin by threading 4 petal color beads, followed by by the center bead. Pull cord all the way through so the flower beads are flush with the beginning chain beads.

Bring the cord back through the first petal color bead. Add the last two petal beads. Then thread the cord back through the petal bead next to the center bead (the fourth petal bead you originally put on). Pull it taught, but not so tight that you lose the flower shape.

Add three new stem beads and continue the pattern until you reach the desired length.
4. Tie to Finish -- when you've finished your pattern, tie the two ends and tuck back into the beads.

Shop Our New Craft Line Available Exclusively at Target!