Holiday Sardine Can Dioramas

Holiday Sardine Can Dioramas

In collaboration with Handmade Charlotte

We had SO much fun mixing and matching craft supplies to make these miniature dioramas. The options are really endless when you have the Arts & Crafts Library at your fingertips! Set aside an afternoon this winter to make a whole bunch of these dioramas – set up a display on your mantle or glue ribbon loops onto the backs to make playful ornaments!


What You Need: 

Sardine Cans supplies



Sardine cans step 1

1. Start by cutting felt to fit into the back of the sardine can. You can do a solid color, stripes, or a snowy scene. Glue into place.


Sardine cans step 2

2. To make the candy cane diorama, twist together two different colored pipe cleaners and then bend into a hook. Cut any excess off the end so that the candy canes fit into the sardine can and glue in place.


Sardine case step 3

3. For the Christmas tree diorama, cut a super fuzzy pipe cleaner to fit inside your sardine can – you can also use green pom poms to do this! Glue wooden beads onto the tree, and a yellow pom pom or sequin onto the top as the star. Glue into the sardine can.


Sardine cans step 4

4. For the wreath, glue green pom poms into a round can.


Sardine cans step 5

5. Then top with red wooden beads as berries with green sequin leaves.


Sardine cans step 6

6. For the snowmen sardine can, glue silver sequins to the background as snowflakes. Then glue white pom poms into the can as snowmen. Decorate them with googley eyes, felt carrot noses, and make top hats with beads and felt. Glue all the details into the can.


Sardine cans step 7

7. For the cutie elf diorama, pierce a green pipe cleaner through a green pom pom for arms and glue another piece of green pipe cleaner onto the bottom for his legs. Glue a peach pom pom on top and cut a green sequin to look like a collar. Stick on googley eyes, a green felt cap, and a little wisp of yellow hair with a pipe cleaner or sequin.


Sardine cans step 8

8. Finish off the sardine cans by covering any labels on the side or top with striped duct tape or colorful washi tape (we used pink from the Bright Bundle kit and glittery blue from the Sparkle Stash kit.)

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Ready to make your own Holiday Sardine Can Dioramas? Shop our Arts and Crafts Library here!

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