Make A Hanukkah Banner

Make a Hanukkah Banner

If you go to the store to buy Hanukkah decorations, I’ll give you two guesses what color they will be. and blue (and maybe a little white with a touch of gold). Let’s go a little crazy this year and accent the traditional blue with pops of the rainbow.

Let your kids dig into the Arts & Crafts Library to make this garland as colorful as they’d like. Pink letters? Why not! Orange beads? Go right ahead! It’s time to break the rules!

Hanukkah Banner Materials


What you’ll need from the Arts & Crafts Library:

- Scissors

- Glue

- String

- Pipe cleaners

- Pom-poms

- Needle


Let’s Make It:

Hanukkah Banner Step 1

1. To make the cursive words, twist 2 to 3 pipe cleaners together and form the letters. Add pipe cleaners as you go if needed.

Hanukkah Banner Step 2

2. Thread a needle with the string, and thread about five pom-poms onto the string.

Hanukkah Banner Step 3

3. Weave the string in and out of the pipe cleaner letters, then thread five more pom-poms on other end.

Hanukkah Banner Step 4

4. To form the HANUKKAH letters, bend and cut pipe cleaners to form simple, capital letters.

Hanukkah Banner Step 5

5. Press the pom-poms on the ends of the pipe cleaners, adding a dot of glue to secure.

Hanukkah Banner Stepf 6

6. Tie, wrap or glue the string around the top of the letters to make the garland.

Hanukkah Banner Done

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Post by Amanda Kingloff of Projectkid.comPROJECT K!D is dedicated to offering families creative and inventive ways to spend unplugged time with kids.

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