Kid Made Modern

Summer Watermelon Crafts Trio

Celebrate summer with this trio of simple and fun watermelon crafts! Kid Made Modern has everything you need to create a watermelon collage, a watercolor melon, and to make watermelon prints. Read below for the instructions to make these at home!

Craft 1: Watermelon Collage 

Kid Made Modern

Materials Needed:

  • Paper plate
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Rainbow Craft Kit
  • Optional: black paint or permanent marker

 Kid Made Modern


Step 1

Cut your paper plate in half

Step 2

Find green items from your rainbow craft kit. Glue these along the curved edge of your plate. You can glue on pipe cleaners to mark the end of your green section - it should be about one inch. You can also cut some of the larger items in the kit, like paper tubes and felt, into pieces before gluing.

Step 3

Find pink items from the kit and glue them over the rest of the paper plate. Cut felt into pieces and use smaller items like beads to fill in the gaps! If you want, you can add seeds to your watermelon with black paint or a permanent marker.

 Kid Made Modern

Kid Made Modern

Kid Made Modern

Craft 2: Watercolor Melon

Kid Made Modern

Materials Needed:

Kid Made Modern

Step 1

Cut a watermelon shape (half circle) from a piece of watercolor paper.

Step 2

Use your green crayon to draw a green line along the curved edge of your paper. This will be the watermelon rind.

Step 3

Use a black crayon to draw seeds in the remaining white space.

Step 4

Paint over the entire piece of paper with pink and red watercolors! The wax in the crayons will resist the paint and continue to show through to look like a watermelon!


Craft 3: Watermelon Prints 

Kid Made Modern

Materials Needed:

Kid Made Modern

Step 1

Cut a tall triangle shape from your cardboard. Cut the bottom edge of the triangle into a curve. This should look like a slice of watermelon!

Step 2

Use a paintbrush to brush a thick layer of pink paint on one side of your cardboard. Flip it over and press it down onto your paper. Lift to reveal your print! Repeat as many times as you like to cover your paper.

Step 3

Using a paintbrush OR your fingers, paint a green line along the bottom of each watermelon you printed. Then, add small black dots to finish!

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